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Architectural Record Daily WebInsider

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Provides latest news and information for architects and designers, including original 'featured articles,' pertinent newswire headlines, and a selection of recommended reading posts.
Architectural Record Weekly WebInsider

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Provides latest news and information for architects and designers, including original 'featured articles,' a 'featured news' story, newswire headlines, and more.
Most Active Market: Healthcare

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Provides the latest news and information for architects and designers, focusing on healthcare projects, including original case studies and news stories.
Most Active Market: Hospitality

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Provides the latest news and information for architects and designers, focusing on hospitality projects, including original case studies and news stories.
Most Active Market: Multifamily Residential

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Provides the latest news and information for architects and designers, focusing on multifamily housing projects, including original case studies and news stories.
Most Active Market: Schools

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Provides latest news and information for architects and designers, focusing on school and educational facility projects, including original case studies and news stories.
CE Center Update By Architectural Record

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Provides the latest news on continuing education courses offerings by Architectural Record.
Material World

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A subscribers only monthly eNewsletter for architects and designers, focusing on architectural products, buildings materials, and manufacturers, including original 'case studies,' interviews with designers, and trending products slideshows.

Education and Networking

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Stay sharp with reserved registration to more than 30 educational webinars, produced annually, featuring leading industry experts on the most pressing issues facing architects today.
Record on the Road

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Record on the Road events bring an informative educational program to cities around the country, combining CE learning units and an esteemed panel of architects who will discuss their recent projects as well as issues and trends shaping the design community. Often focused on a particular building type, these complimentary events include up to two sponsored CE presentations and a panel discussion moderated by an Architectural Record editor.
Innovation Conference

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Brings together key figures who are generating a range of creative solutions for the built environment today and into the future. From small scale interventions to large developments, the projects presented at the conference will highlight how shifting values, emerging technologies and new concepts are driving the future of architecture.
Women in Architecture

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Women in Architecture Forum and Awards program to recognize and promote women's design leadership.
Advertising Excellence Awards

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Recognizes the most effective ads in the building and design marketplace, and the companies and agencies that produce them. The ads are carefully reviewed and judged by a blue ribbon panel of knowledgeable architects
Continuing Education Courses

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Several continuing education courses options available. Once completed, you will receive a certificate of completion automatically added to your CE Center Credit Tracker.
Continuing Education Academies

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Focuses on specific areas of design interest. Upon completion of each academy, you will receive continuing education credits and a digital badge.

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Architectural Record partners with key companies in the industry to send special offers, information on new products and services and more.

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